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13.05.16 Spanish mortgage borrowers celebrate landmark victory over 101 banks required to pay back fees to potentially 4 million mortages

Better Finance’s Spanish member organization ADICAE is celebrating the victory in the biggest class action ever in Spain, on behalf of 15.000 mortgage borrowers against 101 banks, as a Madrid commercial court considered that the fixed minimum rate mortgages in question lacked in transparency and declared them null and void, potentially applying the decision to 4 million... [mehr...]

28.11.13 News from our partner NCRC about the War on Poverty in financial services in the USA

Our partner in the USA the National Community Reinvestment Coalition with whom we intentionally share the abbreviation CRC (Coalition for Responsible Credit) defends the rights of especially poor people in the USA to have fair, responsible and equal access to financial services. It was once born out of misuse banks provided when redlining whole areas of cities in which... [mehr...]

28.06.13 IRELAND: ECRC partner FLAC is given an award for its work, held an information session on personal debt last month, and comments on limitations of the new law for insolvency...

Revising the code of conduct for banks on mortgage arrears: Central Bank Publishes Revised Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears Past FLAC comment: The Central Bank is in the process of revising its current Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears - a very... [mehr...]

14.06.13 RESPONSIBLE MORTGAGES: EBA publishes good practices for responsible mortgage lending and treatment of borrowers in payment difficulties

The European Banking Authority (EBA) publishes today two Opinions on good practices for (i) responsible mortgage lending and (ii) for the treatment of borrowers in mortgage payment difficulties. Both Opinions are addressed to competent authorities and aim at promoting common practices, with the ultimate view of enhancing consumer protection and contributing to the... [mehr...]

20.12.11 New UK consultation on responsible lending requirements in the mortgage market after bank pressure

The UK partner CfRC reports the following from its newsletter bulletin to subscribers of the service. FSA edges backwards on responsible lending requirements in the mortgage market The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has published a new set of proposed responsible lending requirements for consultation as part of its Mortgage Market Review, following considerable... [mehr...]

28.10.11 Mortgage arrears in Ireland: Official report and Consumer perspective: "Personal and Mortgage Debt: 9 key principles"

Link to full Report on this article: Keane Report on Mortgage Arrears published. The Keane (Department of Finance) Group comprised civil servants and bankers without any consumer representation. Alternative to Keane Report which represents consumers (and includes the views of ECRC... [mehr...]

13.10.11 EU Mortgage Directive - High Efforts to disguise that the Implementation of the Draft Consumer Credit Directive from 2002 would have solved the regulatory problems best.

The EU has delivered its draft for a mortgage regulation which has been successfully prevented for 20 years by effective lobbying. The mortgage industry is still the part of finance with little to no harmonisation in the EU. All attempts failed to harmonise the securities, to give access to foreign suppliers, to use online facilities for cross-border banking and to stop... [mehr...]

15.08.11 Mortgage Directive - Parliament will try and improve the draft Directive proposed by the European Commission

European Parliamentary Committee calls for greater consumer protection measures in the proposed Mortgage Directive The Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee of the European Parliament has called for greater consumer protection measures to be built into the proposed Mortgage Directive, which was published... [mehr...]

02.07.11 Australia: Mortgage exit-fees banned in banking reform

Australia: Mortgage exit-fees banned in banking reform win by CHOICE 22 Jun 2011 Australian consumer watchdog, CHOICE, has welcomed the Australian Federal Parliament's decision to uphold the ban on mortgage exit fees, which will now come into effect from 1 July, 2011. The ban was put to a vote in the Senate today, which threatened to see the key consumer banking reform... [mehr...]

13.04.11 EU Mortgage credit regulation – A Report assessing the costs and benefits of various policy options for EU mortgages and containing consumer research has finally been published.

Consumer research that featured in the Commission’s report that helped inform its own impact assessment of mortgage credit markets and its proposal for a Mortgage credit Directive, is available on DG Internal Market’s website: The Study on the costs and benefits of the different policy options... [mehr...]

15.02.11 US Reform of Housing Finance: The Administration's Proposal for GSE Reform

The subprime crisis, the problems with securitisation and the financial situation of the Government Sponsored Entities has led the Obama Administration to release a report entitled "Reforming America's Housing Finance Market” which outlines a need for an orderly and deliberate transition plan for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and a plan for a new secondary market structure.... [mehr...]

23.11.10 Early Repayment Fees, unconscionability & unfair contract terms – Australian regulator releases guidance for mortgage lenders

Early Repayment Fees (also known as prepayment penalties in the US or early termination fees or exit fees in Australia) will be assessable for unfairness in Australia, meaning that even a term that complies with consumer credit law may still be judged as unfair. ASIC sets out expectations of lender practices on mortgage early termination fees, 10-234MR, 10 November 2010... [mehr...]

09.11.10 Usury legislation and empirical research - The Crown Witness for the worldwide Campaign of the former UK Labour Government, Policis, releases an open lobbying report for the UK mortgage...

Through their mortgage report, the consultants at Policis have once again shown that the research they produce is aimed at assisting the finance industry in defending its own interests. It brings us back to the beginning of this decade when a similar industry-friendly study they did was presented as solid empirical research. In its campaign against usury ceilings in the UK... [mehr...]

21.09.10 EU Mortgage credit regulation and responsible lending - ECRC comment

The ECRC has today sent the Commission its views on its preliminary proposals to regulate mortgage markets in the EU. On September 13th, the ECRC was invited by the European Commission to attend a meeting with DG Markt on 13.9. to discuss and collect feedback on their responsible lending proposals. Attended by a number of ECRC partners and consumer representatives, the... [mehr...]

23.08.10 Reverse Mortgages – Guidance to financial providers released by the FFIEC in the US.

August 16, 2010 Joint Agency Release Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Financial Regulators Adopt Guidance on Reverse Mortgage Products The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) released final guidance today on reverse mortgage products. The guidance, adopted by each of the financial regulators, emphasizes the consumer protection... [mehr...]

17.08.10 Ireland - Review of Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears and previous Report on arrears

17.08.10 Review of Code of Conduct on Mortgage Arrears 09.07.10 Irish Expert Group on Mortgage Arrears and Personal Debt publishes report... [mehr...]

28.05.10 BGH stellt Kreditaufkäufer (z.B. Hedgefonds) von der Pflicht zur richterlichen Überprüfung ihrer Forderung vor Zwangsvollstreckung frei. Verbraucher seien ausreichend geschützt.

Die Klausel zur Unterwerfung unter die sofortige Zwangsvollstreckung begünstigt auch den Erwerber einer Sicherungsgrundschuld. Bei freien Grundschulden muss der Rechtspfleger dagegen die Klauselerteilung von Amts wegen verweigern. (LS des Verfassers) (BGH Urt. v. 30.3.2010 XI ZR 200/09) Der Bundesgerichtshof hat den in Verruf gekommenen Kreditverkäufen an Hedgefonds wie... [mehr...]

14.12.09 L’accession à la propriété – « avec l’ADIL, construisez votre scénario logement» - ANIL édite un guide comprenant une série de 14 dépliants

Communiqué de presse de l'ANIL 14 décembre 2009 Avec les ADIL, plusieurs scénarios pour devenir propriétaire Les candidats à l’accession à la propriété représentent près de 16 % des 930 000 consultations accordées par les ADIL, Agences Départementales d’Information sur le Logement, en 2009. Pour les guider, étape par étape, dans leurs démarches et en complément du conseil... [mehr...]

23.11.09 MORTGAGE ARREARS - Shelter report on managing mortgage arrears and possessions in the UK

Centre for Housing Policy The impact and management of mortgage arrears The recent rapid loss of liquidity in the mortgage market (the credit crunch), the rapid fall in house prices, and the fall in housing market transactions, all have profound implications for both the extent of mortgage arrears and possessions and for their management by lenders and borrowers. Project... [mehr...]

23.11.09 Accédants au Royaume-Uni - Le traitement des difficultés

Extrait de la publication de l’ANIL, Habitat Actualité n° 112 au format pdf (26 p., 271 ko). Le traitement des difficultés des accédants au Royaume-Uni Contrairement à la France, le Royaume-Uni a déjà fait l’expérience d’une crise immobilière d’ampleur nationale. C’était au début des années 1990, et les conséquences pour les accédants -plus de 75 000 saisies en 1991 et... [mehr...]

29.09.09 Reverse Mortgages - US regulator produces a 3 page guide

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 25, 2009 Contact: Dean DeBuck (202) 874-5770 OCC Releases Consumer Advisory: “Reverse Mortgages: Are They for You?” WASHINGTON — The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) today issued a consumer... [mehr...]

09.09.09 Mortgages in the Netherlands - The Financial Markets Authority has developed new proposals for the provision of mortgage credit. Consultation on new proposals for consumer protection in mortgages The AFM has developed new proposals for the provision of mortgage credit. The AFM considers these necessary to protect consumers against excessive payment risks when financing their homes. Under the proposal, the current income norm... [mehr...]

23.06.09 MOBILITÉ - Faciliter le transfert de prêts pour favoriser la mobilité résidentielle

ETUDE ANIL - 23 JUIN 2009 Encourager l’accession sans nuire à la mobilité des ménages suppose d’éliminer tout ce qui vient faire obstacle ou rendre coûteux le fait de vendre un logement pour en acheter un autre. Faciliter le transfert de prêt va dans ce sens. Cette nouvelle étude analyse l’intérêt économique des transferts et les conditions juridiques dans lesquelles... [mehr...]

09.06.09 REVERSE MORTGAGES - The US authorities have linked the sale of these Equity Release schemes to the sale of subprime loans. Iff wrote a report for the European Commission where it...

FEDS PULL REVERSE MORTGAGE ALARM BLOOMBERG NEWS Posted: 06/08/2009 02:52:47 PM PDT Comptroller of the Currency John Dugan said a type of mortgage sold to older homeowners may pose the same risk as subprime loans, and that his agency was slow to act as rising foreclosures led the market to collapse. "We all could have sounded the alarm earlier about risks that were... [mehr...]

05.11.08 MORTGAGE CRISIS – Report on the UK says Banks Must Restructure Mortgages to stop repossessions

The following Press release and report have been published by ECRC partner Inclusion, main organizers of this year’s international responsible credit conference in London. The paper “Responding to the Mortgage Crisis - A Review of Recent Policy Announcements” written by Damon Gibbons and attached below is one of a short series of policy reviews provided to support... [mehr...]

01.09.08 Wohnriester: ein Produkt zur Förderung von Bausparkassen, Bauindustrie, Finanzvertretern und Wohlhabenden?

WOHN-RIESTER: KEINE ALTERSVORSORGE SPD und CDU zahlen nach Streichung der Eigenheimzulage nunmehr Förderbeträge für die Altersvorsorge auch dann, wenn das Geld nicht in eine Altersrente sondern in ein Haus fließt. Dahinter steckt die Annahme, ein Haus entlaste die Besitzer im Alter und sei damit durch die Mietersparnis eine gute Altersvorsorge. Wer für ein Haus spare,... [mehr...]

12.03.08 HOUSING LOANS AND ADVICE IN FRANCE – The supply-side is yet to make propositions for a responsible credit environment, until they do, consumers can fortunately benefit from documents...

CONSEIL AUX ACCEDANTS : NOUVEAU CONTEXTE, DOCTRINE RENOUVELEE L’attrait pour l’accession à la propriété ne se dément pas. Les ménages sont parfois freinés dans la réalisation de leur projet par les contraintes économiques, mais les ADIL observent que leur réaction majoritaire est plutôt d’accepter des taux d’effort de plus en plus élevés sur de plus longues durées. Malgré... [mehr...]

12.03.08 CRÉDIT LOGEMENT – Nous attendons toujours des propositions pour un "crédit responsable" de la part des professionnelles du crédit, mais d’ici que nous aurons une résolution des...

CONSEIL AUX ACCEDANTS : NOUVEAU CONTEXTE, DOCTRINE RENOUVELEE L’attrait pour l’accession à la propriété ne se dément pas. Les ménages sont parfois freinés dans la réalisation de leur projet par les contraintes économiques, mais les ADIL observent que leur réaction majoritaire est plutôt d’accepter des taux d’effort de plus en plus élevés sur de plus longues durées. Malgré... [mehr...]

04.03.08 SUB-PRIME ET CRÉDIT LOGEMENT EN FRANCE – Notre partenaire Bernard Vorms de l'ANIL partage quelques lessons sur la crise en ce qui concerne l'accession sociale en France.

Le gouvernement s’est fixé un objectif de 70 % de propriétaires (actuellement de 56,7 %). Devrait l’accession à la propriété être un objectif de société ou une opportunité ? Bernard Vorms nous explique : Le dégroupage de la filière de crédit et la logique de courtage qui existe aux Etats-Unis (les différentes phases de la vie d’un crédit sont traitées par des intervenants... [mehr...]

03.03.08 Gesetzentwurf aus Bayern für einen verbesserten Schutz der Kreditnehmer bei Kreditpaketverkäufen

Das Justizministerium in Bayern hat einen Gesetzentwurf vorgelegt, der einen verbesserten Schutz der Kreditnehmer bei Kreditpaketverkäufen gewähren soll. Hier ein Auszug der Erklärung: "A. Problem und Ziel Neue Entwicklungen im Bankenrecht, u.a. die aufgrund der Richtlinien 2006/48/EG und 2006/49/EG auf alle Kreditinstitute in den EU-Mitgliedstaaten anwendbaren... [mehr...]

28.01.08 Predatory Lending in the US and European Welfare Recipients: US Federal Reserve Board: Predatory Lending is a major Cause for the Subprime Crisis or Why German Welfare Recipients...

GERMAN WELFARE RECIPIENTS AND US SUPRIME CRISIS American subprime lenders sold their high interest portfolios of mortage loans to investors all over the world who like the Saxon German Public Bank (SachsenLB) even borrowed about 20 billion € from other banks to buy these papers with a high yield so that they could pretend profitability. The fantastic dream of country side... [mehr...]

14.01.08 EU MORTGAGE CREDIT - BEUC reports and gives its initial comments on the EU’s white paper on mortgage credit. We call on ECRC members to share their views on this White Paper and on any...

BEUC summary: On the 18th December, the European Commission published the White paper on mortgage credit. In our view, the result is disappointing. As far as a Mortgage directive is concerned, the white paper concludes that yet another impact assessment is needed because implementation cost might be significant. At the same time, the executive summary confirms that APRC... [mehr...]

10.01.08 Kapitallebensversicherungskredite: BGH schafft weiteren Verbraucherschutz ab, wenn anders als versprochen die Kapitallebensversicherung letztlich doch nicht zur Tilgung des Kredites...

KAPITALLEBENSVERSICHERUNGSKREDITE ALS IRREFÜHRUNG DER VERBRAUCHER Die Rechtsprechung vor allem der 1980ziger Jahre stand Krediten, bei denen die Tilgung eines hochverzinslichen Kredites ausgesetzt und in eine niedrigverzinsliche Anlage (Kapitallebensversicherung, Bausparvertrag, Wertpapier) umgeleitet wurde und dabei ein rechtlich nicht verbindlicher Endwert in Höhe des... [mehr...]

20.12.07 EU Commission on the Reasons of the Subprime Crisis: Irresponsible Borrowing and Intransparent MBS Markets

In its FinFocus Infoletter No 4 2007 addressed especially to a broad audience and issued on December 2007 the European Commission gives its view of the subprime mortgage crisis. FIN-FOCUS Newsletter "US sub-prime mortgage crisis – does it affect Europe? How did the crisis start? The sub-prime mortgage financial crisis began in the United States in 2006. Loans were... [mehr...]

18.12.07 Binnenmarkt: Kommission stellt Strategie für EU-Hypothekarkreditmärkte vor

Binnenmarkt: Kommission stellt Strategie für EU-Hypothekarkreditmärkte vor Die Europäische Kommission hat ein Weißbuch über die Integration der EU-Hypothekarkreditmärkte veröffentlicht. Darin werden die Ergebnisse einer umfassenden Überprüfung der EU-Hypothekarkreditmärkte zusammengefasst und ein ausgewogenes Maßnahmenpaket vorgeschlagen, das im Interesse der Verbraucher,... [mehr...]

18.12.07 Marché intérieur: la Commission définit la stratégie pour les marchés du crédit hypothécaire de l'UE

La Commission européenne a publié un Livre blanc consacré à l'intégration des marchés du crédit hypothécaire de l'UE. Ce document résume les conclusions d'un vaste examen des marchés européens du crédit hypothécaire résidentiel et présente un ensemble équilibré de mesures destinées à améliorer l'efficience et la compétitivité de ces marchés, au profit des consommateurs,... [mehr...]

18.12.07 EU HOUSING LOANS – The European Commission announced today its long-awaited proposals on mortgage credit. Is it the final warning for EU mortgages to integrate their markets on a...

EU Internal market may threaten member states with legislation, if no non-regulatory solutions are put forward. We welcome ECRC members and partners to post their views and suggestions on this White paper, so that solutions can be discussed before more formal measures are imposed on the Member States. The Commission’s white paper highlights specific areas for attention... [mehr...]

03.09.07 Schrottimmobilien: Landgericht Karlsruhe hält Praxis kreditvermittelter Haustüranlagegeschäfte mit geschäftlich unerfahrenen Verbrauchern für verwerflich und sittenwidrig.

In einer an Deutlichkeit kaum zu überbietenden Entscheidung, auf die Prof. Schmelz uns aufmerksam machte, hat das Landgericht Karlsruhe bereits in einem Urteil vom 3.2.2006 (5 O 110/05) die auch von großen Banken gepflegte Praxis der Schrottimmobilienverkäufe als Altersvorsorge kritisiert und damit sich sachkundig vor allem gegen die unterschwellig von den Obergerichten... [mehr...]

27.06.07 CRÉDIT LOGEMENT – Des solutions sont proposées pour un meilleur accès pour les défavorisés en France, la publication du rapport Vorms-Taffin consacré à l'élargissement de l'accès au...

ELARGIR L’ACCES AU CREDIT LOGEMENT DES PERSONNES A REVENUS IRREGULIERS ET DES PERSONNES AGEES Le Président de la République a demandé à Christine Lagarde, Ministre de l’économie, des finances et de l’emploi de préparer des propositions pour faciliter l’accès au crédit du plus grand nombre, en particulier afin de permettre à ceux qui ont des revenus irréguliers d’emprunter... [mehr...]

05.01.07 “MUTUO INFORMATO, Indicazioni a chi richiede un mutuo ipotecario” la prima Guida per informare e tutelare i cittadini –“parte debole” – nei contratti bancari, realizzata dal Consiglio...

La pubblicazione informa i cittadini sui problemi più frequenti con cui si devono confrontare nella stipula di un mutuo per l’acquisto della casa, spiegando le tappe principali e aiutandoli ad evitare “passi falsi”o errori che possono compromettere il buon esito dell’operazione. I capitoli sono dedicati a contratto, tasso di interesse e spese accessorie, condizioni, tempi... [mehr...]

19.12.06 HOUSING FINANCE - EU Parliament wants a Free EU Market for Mortgage Industry. No integration into Consumer Credit Directive. No Consumer Protection

In a motion on mortgage credit in response to the Commission's Green Paper on Mortgage Regulation the European Parliament has issued its paper which if implemented will significantly weaken national consumer protection in housing and affect the social protection provided by national markets. Exorbitant early repayment fees in some countries, a devastating second mortgage... [mehr...]


12 EBIC members co-opt three consumer representatives to define future mortgage regulation with DG Market. Final Report announced for December 2006. FAILED SELFREGULATION PRESENTED AS A SUCCESS After a promising draft to regulate mortgage loans on an EU level in the eighties industry and Commission replaced this draft by a recommendation in which the industry signed a... [mehr...]

28.09.06 NEW MORTGAGE PRODUCTS – Innovative offers reducing debtor vulnerability are creative, but can consumers, who are generally seen as having limited financial knowhow, really be expected...

COLLATERAL THINKING (Sep 21st 2006 from The Economist ) AS PROPERTY VALUES RISE, LENDERS LINK LOANS TO HOUSE PRICES FOR most homeowners, their house is their biggest single financial asset and their mortgage is their biggest single liability. House-price inflation has normally made this a good bet. But it makes little sense in financial theory for investors to borrow a... [mehr...]

07.07.06 WUCHERGRERNZEN IN FRANKREICH IN GEFAHR? Kredit alleine reicht nicht - Er muss auch verantwortlich und fair sein. - Matthew Lee von Fair Finance Watch aus New York kommentiert die...

Es gehört zu den Grundlagen des 30 Jahre alten Amerikanischen Community Reinvestment Gesetzes, dass den Armen Kredit gewährt wird. Dabei ist im letzten Jahrzehnt deutlich geworden, dass wir ein zusätzliches Attribut brauchen: FAIR oder verantwortlich. Banken haben in den USA vor allem in Vierteln mit hohem Farbigenanteil mehr Geld verliehen aber meist zu überhöhten... [mehr...]

29.06.06 Il credito da solo non basta – prestito responsabile- Matthew Lee („Fair Finance Watch“ di New York) commenta l’ esortazione della „La Ser Confinoga“, ad imitare il modello americano in...

La concessione del credito a persone con basso redito, è un principio che fa parte delle fondamenta della legge americana sui Community Reinvestment. Negli ultimi anni è emersa però la necessità di un ulteriore condizione: la responsabilità. Negli Stati Uniti le banche hanno dato in prestito più denaro, soprattutto nei quartieri ad alta percentuale di popolazione di... [mehr...]

13.06.06 Finanziamenti per l’ abitazione senza denaro? La Conferenza delle Nazioni Unite Habitat III, che si terrà a Vancouver in Canada ha escluso anche quest’ anno l’ argomento dei...

Housing without Money - The WORLD URBAN FORUM III AN INTERNATIONAL UN-HABITAT EVENT ON URBAN SUSTAINABILITY Vancouver, Canada June 19-23, 2006 ignores the financial basis of urban development. Only two sessions stress financial issues but with no participation from the private banking sector neither in sponsoring nor in contents. Seen the great importance the Community... [mehr...]

13.06.06 Housing without Money - The WORLD URBAN FORUM III AN INTERNATIONAL UN-HABITAT EVENT ON URBAN SUSTAINABILITY Vancouver, Canada June 19-23, 2006 ignores the financial basis of urban...

Only two sessions stress financial issues but with no participation from the private banking sector neither in sponsoring nor in contents. Seen the great importance the Community Reinvestement and Responsible Credit movement gives to fair finance in housing and access to affordable mortgage credit it is a pity that the UN still things that with Microlending and the World... [mehr...]

13.06.06 Wohnungsfinanzierung ohne Geld? - Die UN Konferenz Habitat III in Vancouver Kanada wird dieses Jahr den Bereich der Finanzierung von Wohnungen und Städtebau weitgehend ausklammern.

Housing without Money - The WORLD URBAN FORUM III AN INTERNATIONAL UN-HABITAT EVENT ON URBAN SUSTAINABILITY Vancouver, Canada June 19-23, 2006 ignores the financial basis of urban development. Only two sessions stress financial issues but with no participation from the private banking sector neither in sponsoring nor in contents. Seen the great importance the Community... [mehr...]

11.06.06 COMMUNITY LENDING - For South African banks, "Low-cost housing a joint challenge" - but where's civil society, the third leg of the stool?

Note: The article below, concerning social housing and banks in South Africa, is written by the director of France's international development agency, and should be viewed in that light. Still it portrays a situation on the brink of instituting infrastructure for community reinvestment. The author says that "South African banks, through the intermediary of the Banking... [mehr...]

29.04.06 Workshop 2: "Housing Matters: Mortgage Lending in an Era of Unprecedented Prices, Lending and Risk" Workshop outline by Achim Tiffe

This workshop on the theme of housing finance will explore the current state of the mortgage market and highlight the risks and vulnerabilities of the sector. With home ownership rates in most of Europe at historically high levels, and with that ownership having been largely financed by home loans, many mortgage borrowers are in a vulnerable position. Preserving the home... [mehr...]


Erzeugt: 29.03.06. Letzte Änderung: 29.03.06.
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