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Existenzgründerfinanzierung und "Microlending"


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09.01.13 EU attempt to boost entrepreneurship means giving bankrupt a second chance and focusing on the excluded more vulnerable populations: ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2020 ACTION PLAN

The Commission publishes its action plan to “reignite the entrepreneurial spirit in Europe” which includes a focus on a second chance for honest entrepreneurs (working with the Member States to reduce the duration and cost of bankruptcy procedures and to make it easier for entrepreneurs to start again) and on creating better opportunities for specific groups that are... [mehr...]

18.12.12 Bank transparenczy: ECRC UK partner CfRC welcomes BIS publication of individual bank data on SME lending but calls for local breakdown to be made available

CfRC calls for individual bank data on SME lending to be made available to Local Economic Partnerships The Centre for Responsible Credit has today welcomed the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills publication of individual bank performance in supporting small to medium enterprises through lending backed by the Enterprise Finance Guarantee but has called for... [mehr...]

11.07.12 Kritik an der Mikrofinanzindustrie: Immer noch zu wenig Verantwortliche Kreditvergabe - Ein Insider versucht, den Sektor bei zügigen und notwendigen Reformen zu unterstützen

Ein kritisches Buch von Hugh Sinclair soll den Mikrofinanzsektor dazu bringen, sich selbst zu hinterfragen. Sinclair kritisiert die Mikrofinanzindustrie. Er hat zuvor für eine Mikrofinanzorganisation gearbeitet und besitzt daher profundes Wissen über die Ausbeutung der Kreditnehmer. Den Anbietern ging es letztlich nur um ihre eigene Profitmaximierung. Zugegeben, es... [mehr...]

11.07.12 Microfinance sector still needs to become responsible – Insider account of the industry shows that there is a pressing need to get stakeholders to seriously responsibilise and regulate...

A book has been making a storm and reports on an interesting development in the microfinance sector which may be of some interest and an intriguing read. Recently a series of scandals and critical academic papers have shed serious doubt over the sector and as we have reported on the ECRC website in 2011, the World Bank’s CGAP and the industry has elaborated some principles... [mehr...]

20.12.11 Mythos Microlending - Zur Ideologie des Finanzsystems - Vortrag in der Ringvorlesung „Wirtschaft, Konsum & Menschenrechte" Amnesty International Hoch­schulgruppe Köln , AStA der...

Mythos Microlending zum Download (pdf) Udo Reifner, Hamburg (01.01.2012) Mythos Microlending1 Inhaltsverzeichnis 1.Die Technik: Kleinkredite für Existenzgründung S. 2; 2.Die Bewegung: Befreiung aus Armut durch Selbsthilfe S. 4; 2.1 Die Lehre S. 4; 2.2 Der Prophet S. 7; 2.3 Die Verheißungen S. 9; 3.Die verfehlten Ziele: Emanzipation aus Armut S. 12; 3.1... [mehr...]

16.11.11 EU policy to help women become entrepreneurs

Is this tailored policy discrimination really necessary? We blindly tried to turn the poor into self-made entrepreneurs, let’s be careful in now focusing on turning women into their risk-taking male equivalent counterparts just for the sake of self-enterprise. See latest EU initiative Female mentors to help woman entrepreneurs to get started A new European network of... [mehr...]

18.10.11 MICROFINANCE - Industry finally recognises that more has to be done to prevent over-indebtedness and past incidences of irresponsible lending

The microfinance industry is stepping up its efforts around responsible finance, including consumer protection measures and efforts to prevent over-indebtedness, according to CGAP, the global industry body dedicated to advancing financial access for the world's poor. The rapid growth of microfinance into new markets is being accompanied by a renewed emphasis on providing... [mehr...]

11.10.11 Official Code of Good Conduct for microcredit provision in Europe

Perhaps the Commission should have thought about elaborating standards before having invested in fostering microcredit at all cost. But better now than never. Why doesn’t the Commission also conduct research on evaluating microcredit ventures in the EU. Improvements in regulation, policy and institutional characteristics can only benefit from critical analysis. Below the... [mehr...]

03.03.11 Ende einer neo-liberalen Mythologie? - Muhammad Yunus als Geschäftsführer der Granmeen Bank entlassen

  Wer ist Muhammad Yunus? Die Regierung von Bangladesh hat den Friedensnobelpreisträger, Gründer und Geschäftsführer der Granmeen Bank, die weltweit als Erfinder des Microkredits für Arme gefeiert wurde, wegen Unregelmäßigkeiten im Amt entlassen. Dem Star der Szene, dem im Bankgeschäft unbewanderten ehemaligen Ökonomieprofessor aus den Vereinigten Staaten, den die... [mehr...]

03.01.11 La demande des autoentrepreneurs vis-à-vis du microcrédit en France.

Partenataire de l'ECRC, Benoît Granger, professeur à Advancia, partage une première synthèse de l'intitiative autoentrepreneurs à partir des données empiriques disponibles. Résumé : A partir de 2009, très rapidement, les autoentrepreneurs (AE) font doubler le nombre des « créations d’entreprises ». 500 000 initiatives nouvelles en 18 mois : le chiffre est impressionnant... [mehr...]

03.01.11 Existenzgründungen und Mikrokredite in Frankreich - Verdoppelung im Jahre 2009(?)

Existenzgründungen in Deutschland stagnieren. Obwohl der Mittelstand das Rückgrat der Wirtschaft ist, richtet sich in Deutschland alles nach den Großunternehmen, die wiederum mit den Banken eng zusammenarbeiten. Der Mittelstand gerät dabei trotz vieler Sonntagsreden aus dem Blickfeld. Insbesondere hat die Kreditversorgung Probleme, die man allerdings nicht bei den... [mehr...]

22.11.10 Conference on Microfinance in Europe

09/11/2010 - 10/11/2010 Organised by the Commission in collaboration with the European Investment Bank (EIB) Group, the conference was the occasion to discuss achievements and challenges for microfinance in the European Union. It was held back-to-back with a thematic review seminar on Promoting entrepreneurship and self employment across Europe in the framework of the... [mehr...]

30.10.10 Microcrédit personnel – Une étude pour un prêteur montre l’utilité économique et sociale du microcrédit non-professionnel en France. Cette particularité françaises devrait être discutée...

Voir Parcours Confiance est un dispositif, créé en 2006 par les Caisses d’Epargne en partenariat avec des associations et des collectivités, afin de promouvoir le microcrédit et l’accompagnement de publics confrontés à une situation d’exclusion bancaire. Le microcrédit est un moyen de financer des petits projets comme par exemple l’achat d’un... [mehr...]

26.10.10 Financial Inclusion – access to what? The target is laudable but the microfinance industry still needs to put its house in order, control for ethical behaviour, and shift greater...

At the Pittsburgh Summit in 2010, the G-20 said it would create the Financial Inclusion Experts Group (FIEG) to expand access to financial services, including credit, to the poor. Nothing has happened so far and ACCION a leading microfinance specialist suggests its definition of financial inclusion to bring the debate forward. While there may be a growing consensus on the... [mehr...]

16.08.10 Microlending - Missbrauch von Kleinkrediten für eine neo-liberale Armutsbekämpfungsideologie oder Hilfe für Arme? - Journalisten des saarländischen Rundfunks fragen zum ersten Mal nach.

Micro-Kredit in Europa - ein Geschäft von Regierungen, EU und Großbanken Das iff gehörte seit Mitte der 1990ziger Jahre zu den Pionieren bei der Erforschung der Rolle des Microcredit in Europa. Umfangreiche Studien in den USA, in England und Polen zeichneten die Idee einer verantwortlichen Kreditvergabe nach, bei der produktive Kredite für Arme vergeben werden sollten. Als... [mehr...]

15.03.10 Le gouvernement français va proposer un volet « microcrédit » dans un prochain projet de loi sur le crédit à la consommation.

Les Echos de ce jour: Un volet microcrédit ajouté au projet de loi sur le crédit à la consommation: Certes certains chiffres avancés semblent sujets à caution, et les mesures envisagées encore incertaines. Mais l'Etat Français semble conscience des enjeux et perspectives d'un nouveau développement du microcrédit dans le cadre de la crise sociale et du rôle que peuvent y... [mehr...]

23.11.09 Microfinance in China: Real opportunities still do not exist for those largely forgotten by the country's economic development?

As the Grameen Trust enters China, this article tries to explain why microloans are still relatively underdeveloped – the reasons include: inadequate or overly restrictive government regulations (e.g. requirement that a formal bank must be the controlling shareholder in any village bank and that fact neither organization can operate outside its registered county), complex... [mehr...]

13.11.08 PROJECT EVALUATIONS – Different savings and credit approaches in the developing world could lead to guidelines for better practice.

ECRC’s South African partner You and Your Money, took part in our international conference in London. General Director, Johann Magerman, is grateful to have attended the conference and says the experience proved to be a rich and rewarding one, as one was able to connect with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds. Johann will be one of several international partners... [mehr...]

31.10.08 MICROLENDING IN EU: Providing services to those excluded from the financial system.

By Babel Strasbourg on Thursday, October 30 2008 (14 September 2008) By Vincent Lebrou , Translated by Rob Compton Small loans, or so-called microcredits, are increasingly being used in the fight against poverty and exclusion. Whether considering the situation in countries of the former Eastern bloc or Western European countries, it is clear that microcredit is... [mehr...]

24.02.08 MICRO-LENDING: Report on the indebtedness of South African civil servants reveals the extent of micro-lending practices and garnishee orders issued against public servants.

The Public Service Commission, an independent and impartial body created by the South African Constitution to enhance excellence in governance within the Public Service presents a report on the investigation into the impact of micro-lending and garnishee orders on public servants and its implications for the Public Service. ------------- Article from the Times South... [mehr...]

13.02.08 MICROLENDING - Does it corrupt the Banking System? An article reporting from Mexico on usurious microlending practices should build up more concern on how the public euphoria on...

The Ugly Side of microlending as seen in Mexico, reported in Business Week HOW BIG MEXICAN BANKS PROFIT AS MANY POOR BORROWERS GET TRAPPED IN A MAZE OF DEBT (Business Week 13 Dec07, by Keith Epstein and Geri Smith) In a gleaming office tower in Mexico City secured with retinal scanners, bulletproof glass, and armed guards, dozens of workers in white lab coats dart... [mehr...]

31.01.08 SOUTH AFRICA – Regulator demonstrates the importance of enforcement for the Credit Act as non-compliant microlenders find out.

REGULATOR WARNS ERRANT MICROLENDERS (Regis Nyamakanga, Business Day - Johannesburg,South Africa, 31 January 2008) THE National Credit Regulator threatened yesterday to deregister and prosecute nearly 20 microlenders for allegedly flouting the National Credit Act, which was promulgated last year to help regulate SA’s R850bn consumer credit industry. Investigations and... [mehr...]

17.01.08 Microfinance Discussion - Critical Comments from Banks and Social Research in Germany and the US.

Microfinance needs a discussion. The German Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau and the Frankfrut Based Finance Institute sponsored by major banks will hold a conference in Frankfurt Germany on February 22, 2008 which will discuss "responsible finance" In this they want to address Microfinance which is headed by the following question. "With the growing diversity of the... [mehr...]

14.11.07 Responsible Microfinance: its long-term social, economic and political effects - Comparing China and India . Some ideas on Tsai, K. S. Imperfect Substitutes: The Local Political Economy...

The increase of poverty is the biggest challenge for neo-liberal politics. The gap between rising productivity and declining equality inside capitalist societies threatens social cohesion and creates political turmoil. Indebtedness which historically was seen as the most visible threat of money society to individuals as a means to escape poverty is surprising. It creates... [mehr...]

19.10.07 BANKRUPTCY & FRESH START – The European Commission encourages the promotion of second chances for entrepreneurs, good news for the EU’s many future entrepreneurs based on a recent...

On the 8th of October, the Commission announced four groups of barriers to start afresh after business failure and identifies the importance of insolvency law, recommending a clear distinction between the legal treatment for non-fraudulent and fraudulent bankrupts, and an early discharge. An online platform has been launched to help on the subject. Below is the press... [mehr...]

14.09.07 BRUSSELS 2007! Workshop 5: "Credit for the “Poor”: Microlending or Bank Loans?" - STATEMENTS

BRUSSELS 2007! Workshop 5: "Credit for the “Poor”: Microlending or Bank Loans?" - OUTLINE Karol Sachs (FEBEA), Gregory Squires (George Washington University, USA), Pierre Silvy, ADIE [mehr...]

14.09.07 BRUSSELS 2007! Workshop 5: "Credit for the “Poor”: Microlending or Bank Loans?" - Quality versus Access in European Microfinance -

W5: CREDIT FOR THE “POOR”: MICRO-LENDING OR BANK LOANS? Quality versus Access in Western European Microfinance A discussion paper by Oliver J. Haas This paper provides a brief overview of microfinance in Western Europe. Until now, microfinance referred only to microcredit, but the sector is growing fast and is diversifying its services. This paper intends to raise... [mehr...]

14.09.07 BRUSSELS 2007! Laboratorio 5: "Credito per i “poveri”: Micorprestiti e mutui" - PROFILE

W5: CREDITO PER I “POVERI”: MICORPRESTITI E MUTUI Benoit Granger (MicFin, Chair), Leo Verhoef (Eindhoven University) and Bernd Balkenhol (ILO) ask critical questions to Pierre Silvy (ADIE), Karol Sachs (FEBEA), Antoine Saint-Denis (EU DG Empl.), Pete Garcia (Chicanos Por La Causa, USA), and Gregory Squires (George Washington University, USA) Venerdi septiembre 14 16:45 ... [mehr...]

14.09.07 BRUSSELS 2007! Atelier W5 : "Les prêts pour « les pauvres » : Microcrédit ou Prêts bancaires ? - LES THÈMES

ATELIER 5 : LES PRETS POUR « LES PAUVRES » : MICROCREDIT OU PRETS BANCAIRES ? Benoit Granger (MicFin, Chair), Leo Verhoef (Eindhoven University) and Bernd Balkenhol (ILO) posent des questions à Pierre Silvy (ADIE), Karol Sachs (FEBEA), Antoine Saint-Denis (EU DG Empl.), Pete Garcia (Chicanos Por La Causa, USA), et Gregory Squires (George Washington University, USA) (Se... [mehr...]

14.09.07 BRUSSELS 2007! Workshop 5: "Credit for the “Poor”: Microlending or Bank Loans?" - OUTLINE

W5: CREDIT FOR THE “POOR”: MICRO-LENDING OR BANK LOANS? Benoit Granger (MicFin, Chair), Leo Verhoef (Eindhoven University) and Bernd Balkenhol (ILO) ask critical questions to Pierre Silvy (ADIE), Karol Sachs (FEBEA), Antoine Saint-Denis (EU DG Empl.), Pete Garcia (Chicanos Por La Causa, USA), and Gregory Squires (George Washington University, USA) Held on Friday... [mehr...]

13.09.07 BRUSSELS 2007! Workshop 5: "Credit for the “Poor”: Microlending or Bank Loans?" - Feedback by Prof. Greg Squires

W5: CREDIT FOR THE “POOR”: MICRO-LENDING OR BANK LOANS? Gregory Squires and Leo Verhoeff Thoughts and questions from Prof. Greg Squires: It is important that "micro-lending" not be marginalized or ghettoized from conventional or mainstream banking services. Large, mainstream lenders and lending should not be let off the hook just because there are CDFI's, other small... [mehr...]

13.09.07 BRUSSELS 2007! Workshop 5: "Credit for the “Poor”: Microlending or Bank Loans?" - Initial comments by Prof. Leo Verhoef

W5: CREDIT FOR THE “POOR”: MICRO-LENDING OR BANK LOANS? Comments and issues to be raised by Prof. Leo Verhoef: The word “poor" suggests, that we are dealing with a target group of permanently, financially disabled people. In my belief everybody asking for finance is financially disabled, although temporarily. This view should also be taken in respect to people, without... [mehr...]

13.09.07 BRUSSELS 2007! Workshop 5: "Credit for the “Poor”: Microlending or Bank Loans?" - Questions from Benoit Granger

W5: CREDIT FOR THE “POOR”: MICRO-LENDING OR BANK LOANS? Example of the type of questions to be directed at the panellists (suggested by Chairman of the session Benoit Granger) - Are loans officers in traditional banks able to deal with micro business ? (do the banks invest in that field?) - If BDS are necessary (business development services) to secure the loans,... [mehr...]

03.09.07 Microlending at Usury Rates benefits the Poor?The German Handelsblatt argues for a liberalised markets after Granmeen was awarded the NObel Prize.

France was the first country which gave exemptions to its rate ceilings for social lending especially microlending. A country which may have the toughest legislation on productive credit and the limits it has to observe to remain below a ceiling which poor people can afford already exempted social lending from the general bank supervision in its bank law which is in so far... [mehr...]

03.09.07 Microlending zu Wucherzinsen - Eine Wohltat für die Armen? Ein Artikel im deutschen Handelsblatt

Frankreich hatte mit seiner Sondergesetzgebung für Microlending den Anfang gemacht. Ansonsten ein die Kredite zur Vermeidung der Überschuldung streng reglementierendes Land wurde in Frankreich auf Betreiben der sozial orientierten Microlender die Wuchergrenze für solche Existenzgründer entscheidend erhöht. Vorher hatte man bereits eine Ausnahme vom Bankmonopol für diesen... [mehr...]

06.08.07 USURY – The term “credit snob” used by The Economist to falsely describe those that observe excessive charging of interest to vulnerable individuals beyond the calculated risk being...

IN PRAISE OF USURY (Aug 2nd 2007- From The Economist print edition) IGNORE CREDIT SNOBS. IT IS NO SIN TO PROFIT FROM LENDING TO THE POOR IN DANTE'S “Divine Comedy”, usurers are consigned to a flaming desert of sand within the seventh circle of hell. Attitudes have since softened a bit. Microcreditors, who offer small loans to self-employed poor people, enjoy hallowed... [mehr...]

05.07.07 Microlending Theory: Critique of World Bank Approach in favour of deregulation at the same time favouring small alternative credit cooperatives. Internet paper by David Puglielli

David Puglielli Special Project THE WORLD BANK AND MICROFINANCE: AN ELEPHANT TRYING TO BUILD A BIRD NEST Summary Though structural changes directly effect only the formal private sector, the indirect ramifications spill over into the informal sector. Increasing the incentives for both domestic and foreign investment makes more financing opportunities available for... [mehr...]


KULTUR DER ZWEITEN CHANCE: RESTARTS Eine weitere Facette des Gründungsklimas bildet die sogenannte „Kultur der zweiten Chance“, worunter hier die Haltung gegenüber gescheiterten Unternehmern und die daraus resultierenden institutionellen Regelungen verstanden werden. Die Kultur der zweiten Chance bestimmt darüber, in welchem Ausmaß vormals gescheiterte Unternehmer eine... [mehr...]

11.05.07 WORKSHOP F1: "EXISTENZGRÜNDUNG – BRAUCHEN WIR EINE ZWEITE CHANCE NACH DER INSOLVENZ?" - Prof. Dr. Matija Mayer-Fiedrich (Helmut Schmidt Universität)

Als Anhang: Zwei Folien. Erfolgsfaktoren der Unternehmensgründung - auch für ein Rating wichtig! [mehr...]


THESEN 1. Vor der Zweiten steht die Erste Chance – die in der deutschen Gesellschaft dominierenden Leitbilder und Einstellungen stehen nach wie vor im Widerspruch zu Selbständigkeit und Existenzgründung. 2. Von der Existenzgründung zur nachhaltig tragfähigen Vollexistenz – jede Existenzgründung ist ein mit vielfältigsten Risiken behafteter permanenter Prozess von „trial... [mehr...]

11.05.07 WORKSHOP F1: "EXISTENZGRÜNDUNG – BRAUCHEN WIR EINE ZWEITE CHANCE NACH DER INSOLVENZ?" - Manfred Schöler (Deutscher Sparkassen- und Giroverband)

THESEN ZUR ZWEITEN CHANCE I. Die zweite Chance kann nur Erfolg haben, wenn die Ursachen des Scheiterns erkannt und verarbeitet wurden. II. Wesentlich für die Finanzierungsentscheidung sind die Qualität des Gründungsvorhabens und die Eignung des Gründers zum Unternehmer - nicht, ob es sich um einen „Erst“- oder „Zweit“-Gründer handelt. III. Fortbestehende Überschuldung... [mehr...]


THESEN VON CHRISTIANE SIEGEL (G.I.B. - GESELLSCHAFT FÜR INNOVATIVE BESCHÄFTIGUNGSFÖRDERUNG MBH, PROJEKT "UNTERNEHMENSSICHERUNG NRW") • Gescheiterten Selbstständigen muss ein (unternehmerischer) Neuanfang ermöglicht werden. • Die Angst vor dem Scheitern stellt in Deutschland eines der größten Gründungshemmnisse dar. • Restarter sind keine Randgruppe - sondern eine (nahezu... [mehr...]


Moderation: Thomas Baumeister (Deutsche Bank). Referenten: Dr. Stefan Breuer (KfW), Prof. Dr. Matija Mayer-Fiedrich (Helmut Schmidt Universität), Wolfram Müller (Vereinigung beratender Betriebswirte und Volkswirte), Manfred Schöler (DSGV), Christiane Siegel (GIB) 24 Jahre nach seiner Kreditkündigung hat ein Württemberger Unternehmer vor Gericht Recht bekommen. Die... [mehr...]

07.05.07 European Microfinance Network: Conference in Berlin between Mircolending and Small Credit

The EMN hold its conference in Berlin with the participation of activists from the Microfinance institutions as well as from banks. We had not the chance to attend the large variety of interesting meetings. Many of the presentations are available on the Internet. One event was a podium discussion where five questions concerning the future of microlending were answered by... [mehr...]

31.03.07 MICROCRÉDIT – L'autorité de contrôle des banques a donné son feu vert à La Poste pour les prêts aux exclus. Ne pas confondre microcrédit social visant les accidents de la vie ou l’accès...

LA POSTE MET LE MICROCREDIT DANS SA MUSETTE (Par Catherine MAUSSION, Libération: samedi 31 mars 2007) La Banque postale va pouvoir, elle aussi, prêter aux pauvres. Le sujet était vendredi au menu du Comité des établissements de crédit et des entreprises d'investissement. L'enjeu est modeste en termes de marché. Mais emblématique pour la profession bancaire. Jusqu'ici, la... [mehr...]

30.03.07 MICROFINANCE – As the ECRC Brussels conference will feature a workshop focusing on microlending and its potential as a source for wider, better, more adapted and more affordable credit,...

Among the many articles praising the achievements of micro-finance to date, the following piece “A Second Look at Microfinance” provides some food for thought to help look at the sector from a more balanced perspective. Although microfinance is praised as one of the best methods for lifting the world's poor out of poverty, a new briefing paper from the Center for Global... [mehr...]

21.03.07 MICROCRÉDIT – En préparations des discussions qui auront lieu lors de la conférence de Bruxelles en septembre 2007 sur cet outil de financement aux exclus, voici quelques commentaires...

Comprendre les limites ou non de cet outil dans un monde qui se financiarise. La réinsertion d’un côté et l’investissement productif de l’autre ; manque de transparence et de débats sur les vrai taux d'intérêt appliqués et les mécanismes mis en place pour assurer un remboursement élevé ; le microcrédit comme équivalent de l’homéopathie par rapport à la médicine classique ;... [mehr...]

01.02.07 TAUX D’USURE EN FRANCE – Soi-disant la dérégulation aurait eu des effets positifs nous dit la Banque de France. Mais peut l’Assemblée Nationale se fier aux seules réponses des banquiers...

En réponse au rapport de la Banque de France sur les incidences de la reforme de l'usure sur les modalités de financement des PME, L’ECRC demande que ceux qui s’y connaissent donnent leurs points de vues et surtout leurs connaissances de faits dans les pays étrangers. * (Les commentaires en Anglais qui suivent, seront disponibles bientôt en français une fois traduits) ... [mehr...]

01.02.07 USURY CEILINGS IN FRANCE - Deregulation had positive effects, says the Bank of France. But are Bankers’ Responses sufficient to inform the Parliament? ECRC asks for French social...

In response to a recent report by the French Central Bank on alleged outcomes for SME's as a result of lowering usury ceilings, we encourage experts to give ECRC (and the French Parliament) their opinion on this research, including experiences from outside of France. USURY CEILINGS IN FRANCE In France usury ceilings limit the interest banks can charge to consumers and... [mehr...]

04.01.07 MICROCREDIT – Le potentiel énorme de certaines innovations comme Zopa, Prosper, et Kiva semble modifier profondément les méthodes de collecte de fonds de prêts, et démontre que les...

Ce mécanisme financier conçu pour les pays pauvres pourrait-il ce servir de telles innovations pour son adaptation en France ? Ceci pourrait être le cas si les banques françaises ignorent les principes pour le Crédit Responsable. L’article de Libération ci-dessous montre avec l’exemple Kiva que le pionnier du crédit personnel et philanthropique en ligne est en train de... [mehr...]


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