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Thesenpapier Harro Norder (Volkskredietbank): Einkommensschutz auf dem Girokonto – Erwartungen an das P-Konto und ausländische Erfahrungen mit „Banken für Arme“ (Plenum 4) – „Protectionism by bank account?“

Where having access to a bank account is seen as “financial freedom” and participating in the community, is this access also seen as a source of problems.

In the Dutch situation, it is described that everybody has right, having access to a bank ac-count. In those situations where clients had an overdraft and a problematic financial situation, the commercial banks are trying to get lose of these clients. In nowadays situation having no bank account is quit the same as non-participation in the community.

Working out a structure of debt solving organisations in combination with a social bank is seen as an method for soling this problem

– Bank access for “outliners” or problematic clients
– Solving financial problems
– Interacting with other organisations in case of multi problem situation
– Rehabilitation on the financial market.

The core topic herein is an bank account with all facilities but non acceptance for an over-draft. Dealing with this an structure for serving is worked out. The main arrangement is rather simple.

– In a contract the client is obligate that al his income should be transmitted to our bank. When this is not accepted (during the period) the relationship is over. Restart-ing in some cases is possible after a cooling down period of half a year.
– In a contract the bank obliges himself paying the new bills in time, therefore arrange-ments with housing companies a.s.o. are made.
– The debts (old bills) are solved in a debt arrangement
– Within a period of three years the client can handed over to a commercial bank.

The success rate is about 75 % within 2,5 year. The recidivism is < 5%.

In the “toolkit” of the bank are several products available for helping the client on his way.


Thesenpapier – 3. Nationale Finanzdienstleistungs-Konferenz
6.–7. Juni 2008 in Hamburg

ID: 41341
Autor(en): Harro Norder (Volkskredietbank)
Erscheinungsdatum: 04.06.08

Erzeugt: 04.06.08. Letzte Änderung: 04.06.08.
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