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Too Late for Social Contract Law in Europe? End of 2008 the final Draft of "Common Principles of European Contract Law" (CoPECL) sponsored by the EU Commission will be presented to the Public. Consumer Credit Law, Labour Law and Tenant Law will remain outside.

The EU-Commission finances a project to build a European Contract Code which will be primarily based on international sales law principles and the form consumer protection as information and competition law has got within the EU-Directives. While in practice workers' and tenants' protection as well as debtors' protection has since long left the area of pure information and sales law developing into a system of collective rights within long term social contracts the threat of a unified body of general principles that will make it further difficult to keep cultural and collective traditions in sheltering social interest and existence is imminent. The "Social Justice Group" of European Contract Lawyer especially from a consumer law perspective as well as the EuSoCo initiative are trying to build an alternative body of principles that could beware Europe from a body of principles which are unable to cope with the modern problems of justice inherent in the three threats of market driven discrimination: unemployment, overindebtedness and homelessness including their younger sisters "low income", "usurious credit" and "unaffordable or inadequate homes".

ECRC is hoping to stimulate a dicussion between socially minded lawyers in labour law, consumer credit law and tenants law to stand up and offer some insight into those principles like protection in early cancellation, usury and minimum wages, decent work, housing and debt collection methods etc.


We document the EU press release as well as the invitaiton of the upcoming conference where we miss the sociological and social perspective in law.

Joint Network on European Private Law — EU Sixth Framework Programme "Network of Excellence"

The CoPECL Network of Excellence, founded in May 2005, comprises several Universities, Institutions and other Organisations, as well as more than 150 researchers operating in all EU Member States. The Network encloses several groups. These are:

The Study Group on a European Civil Code;

The Research Group on the Existing EC Private Law, or "Acquis Group";

The Project Group on a Restatement of European Insurance Contract Law, or "Insurance Group";

The Association Henri Capitant together with the Société de Législation Comparée and the Conseil Supérieur du Notariat;

The Common Core Group;

The Research Group on the Economic Assessment of Contract Law Rules, or "Economic Impact Group" (TILEC - Tilburg Law and Economics Center);

The "Database Group"; and

The Academy of European Law (ERA).

The Network will deliver a proposal for the "Common Frame of Reference" (CFR) for European contract law as described both in the Commission's Action Plan (COM [2003] 68 final) and the Commission's Communication on 'European Contract Law and the Revision of the Acquis: The Way Forward' (COM (2004) 651 Final) of 11 October 2004.

The proposal will be presented in the form of principles ("Common Principles of European Contract Law" = CoPECL), including definitions, general concepts and legal rules. They will be supplemented by comments, comparative information and by evaluative analysis including an economic impact assessment, an evaluation of the philosophical underpinnings and the results of several case assessments regarding the applicability of the principles. A first draft of the CoPECL, containing definitions, general concepts and legal rules, will be presented at the end of 2007. The final draft is expected by the end of 2008.


*New* The Academy of European Law (ERA) - Conference "The Draft Common Frame of Reference" Trier, 6-7 March 2008

TRIER ERA CONFERENCE JULY 3-5, 2008 "Tage des europäischen Rechts"


This conference will bring together the leading figures in the European Contract Discussion and cover those topics concerning primarily spot contracts derived from the sales law model like "Structure of DFCR" (v.Bar), Acquis Principles (Schulte-Nölke), Conclusion of Contract (Eidenmüller), Legal Remedies for "Nichterfüllung" (Leible), Information Duties (Faust), Sales Law (Dauner-Lieb), Tort Law (G. Wagner), Undue Enrichment (Wendehorst).

ID: 40955
Autor(en): UR
Erscheinungsdatum: 05.03.08

Acquis Group

Draft of the Principles (Different Languages)

Trier Conference March 6-7, 2008

EU Joint Network of European Private Law

European Social Contract Initiative (EuSoCo)

Erzeugt: 25.02.08. Letzte Änderung: 11.03.08.
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