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REPORTS ON NATIONAL CONFERENCES - French partner INC has published a full report on the stakeholder event held in Paris in June 2007. Think about organising a seminar in your own country in 2008!
We remind you of the section of the website dedicated to national conferences (see the link below to read the reports from the various ECRC national conferences that have taken place this year). Also attached are the two latest reports from Paris (in French) and from Edinburgh (in English).

We hope that details on the discussions that featured in these events will encourage more stakeholders from additional European countries to do the same next year.

Already planned for 2008 are national conversations in Germany (Hamburg, 6th and 7th June) and in the UK (Cardiff, Wales, 10th and 11th April).
Please send us any ideas you have and the ECRC Secretariat will assist you in the best way it can.

ID: 40440
Autor(en): iff
Erscheinungsdatum: 05.11.07

Link to website section on "National Conferences"

Erzeugt: 07.11.07. Letzte Änderung: 07.11.07.
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