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OVERINDEBTEDNESS - Swiss Conference presents case studies: How consumers are lured into overindebtedness.
At the Swiss conference in Berne organised by the Berne debt advice organisation, Charly Gmür from Lucerne presented a number of low level beehives all containing small windows through which one could see specific case studies and where by peering inside one could read the concrete story of how a consumer had been lured into overindebtedness by inadequate bank behaviour as seen from the perspective of one of the 90 Swiss debt advisors. When asked why these miniature hives had been built so close to the ground, Charly Gmür responded that he wanted bankers to bend down to the problems of those people at the bottom levels of society.

(The attached texts are in German).

ID: 39059
Autor(en): iff
Erscheinungsdatum: 19.11.06

Erzeugt: 20.11.06. Letzte Änderung: 20.11.06.
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