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Besseren Schutz für Familienbeziehungen vor Ausnutzung und Missbrauch zu Sicherungszwecken innerhalb von Kreditbeziehung. Die Dritte Bremer Konferenz zu "Unlauteren Bürgschaftsverträgen in der erweiterten Europäischen Union" wird am 3. und 4. November 2007 in Bremen stattfinden.
ECRC Mitglieder werden sich noch an den Workshop "Familie und Kredit" in der Brüssel Konferenz 2007 erinnnern, in der Aurelia Ciacchi die Leitung hatte und wo Sozialwissenschaftler, Anbieter, Juristen und Verbraucherschützer die Probleme des Verhältnisses von Kredit und Familie diskutierten. Die Bremer Konferenz hat den Aspekt der Familienbürgschaften und bereitet eine umfangreiche Publikation hierzu vor, die die Entwicklungen verantwortlicher Kreditvergabe in Europa nachhaltig beeinflussen könnten und auch Auswirkungen auf den Entwurf der neuen Richtlinie haben müssen, die ja zur Familienbürgschaft schweigt. Das Projekt demonstriert in vorbildlicher Weise, wie auf der Basis des Verständnisses nationaler Errungenschaft gleichwohl eine Vereinheitlichung möglich ist, ohne dass von Brüssel mit einem simplen Wirtschaftseffizienzmodell alle diese Möglichkeiten ausgelöscht werden.

This project will held its third scientific conference on the treatment of non-professional suretyships in the EU in Bremen, Germany, 3-4 November 2006. This conference is the final, concluding session in the work of the Marie Curie Transfer of Knowledge (TOK) Project “Protection From Unfair Suretyships in the EU”, which, for the last three years, has coordinated research and disseminated new insights on the treatment of sureytships throughout the EU. It will have major impact on regulation on responsible credit and should be carefully observed by the European Institutions when they pass the new Consumer Credit Directive which has carelessly disregarded family suretiships in it second and third draft.


This year’s conference has a twofold focus: First, the law of the Member States which had not been represented in our project so far, especially the new Member States. Second, the interactions between legal solutions concerning non-professional suretyships and their socio-economic context. I enclose the preliminary programme for the conference for your inspection.

This conference will also serve as a discussion forum for the preparation of the third and last joint publication of this project: the book “Unfair Suretyships in European Law”, to be published in 2007. This book, edited by Prof. Stephen Weatherill (University of Oxford) and Dr. Aurelia Ciacchi will not only include the papers presented at this third conference, but also, possibly, a new version of the national reports presented at the previous conference held in Bremen on 14-15 October 2005, which will be published this year in the book “Protection of Non-professional Sureties in Europe: Formal and Substantive Disparity”, edited by myself.


In order to facilitate both the comparative analysis of the Member States’ solutions for protection from unfair suretyships, and the interactions between these solutions and the socio-economic context where they have been developed, a questionnaire has been prepared. The following items will be covered


1. Suretyships a frequent banking practice?
2. Demarcation between commercial suretyships and consumer suretyships?
3. To what extent are suretyships responsible for personal or family indebtedness?
4. Criteria of Unfairness?
5. Which law provides protection? When was it enacted, how does jurisprudence apply it in practice? What are the sanctions? Is it effective and high level?
6. Impact of creditor debtor relationship on the guarantor’s position?
7. Other non-legal protection?
8. Propositions for amelioration


For those interested in participating please contact the Bremen Project at

ID: 37723
Autor(en): iff
Erscheinungsdatum: 27.06.06

Bremen/Oxford Project on Unfair Suretyships

Erzeugt: 28.06.06. Letzte Änderung: 28.06.06.
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