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Harro L. Norder MBA, Direktor der Volkskredietbank Nord Ost Groningen (NL) und Vorstandsmitglied der "Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Volkskrediet" (NVVK)
(Workshop 3 Fr. 11:30)

After working at several consultancy agencies for a number of years I decided to engage on a new job. Giving advice to other people or doing it yourself seems to be a great difference. The start as a director of the Volkskredietbank was the possibility to practice the theoretical experience.

In the ongoing process of optimalisation of the bank, I decided start an MBA course. For sure, the goal for going in for an MBA was set years ago, but the right momentum had not been found yet. The objectives were:
- Enlarging my knowledge to increase the quality of the bank
- Enlarging my knowledge for the company and for myself.
But most of all, I see it as the completion of the several studies done during all the jobs I have done.

Doing the MBA next to the job asks the utmost of a person. Both at work and in private life, certain “investments” had to be made. The great changes, also thanks to the MBA, that were implemented and realised in the company asked for great efforts on the part of employees. I thank them for their willingness to support me during this period.

But most of all, I have to thank my wife Margriet for the special support she gave to me during this period. The time between repairing bikes, working at the office and studying for the MBA resulted in a lack of social time for her. No complaints (not noticed) were ever heard. In our dynamic family life, where we studied together (five kids 4+1), they motivated me in the ongoing process. Many thanks to them.

A special word of thanks for Pals Prop, also during his hectic life and work he was permanent available for me without hesitation when I needed him for advice. His support was very valuable for me, especially in moments when abstraction was needed.

And last but not least, thanks to Gert Themmen for correcting my grammar and spelling.

ID: 36835
Autor(en): Norder, Harro L.
Erscheinungsdatum: 10.02.06


Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Volkskrediet (NVVK)

Erzeugt: 14.02.06. Letzte Änderung: 31.03.06.
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